The Upskill Digital Marketing Masterclass (Gulu Edition) •

Join the wave of game-changers by signing up for the FREE 4-week Upskill digital marketing masterclass and turn your career and small business around today.

UPSkill is focused on skilling for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. This is achieved by identifying today’s most in-demand skills and then providing the necessary training for such skills required to compete in today’s demanding business arena. All their courses are delivered by industry experts with significant experience and thought leadership in their field.

Upskill Digital Marketing Masterclass in Gulu

Technology is reshaping work. More than 50% of today’s jobs require some technology skills, and 77% will require them in less than a decade. Where as millions are under- or unemployed, nearly two-thirds of companies report having positions for which they cannot find qualified applicants.

As unemployment gets worse, a new world of work is emerging, where it’s not just about a job, but rather about getting work done faster, better. UpSkill is at the centre of accelerating this world of work. Their digital services marketplace matches highly skilled certified talent with industry in new ways.

UpSkill is inspired by the population dividend and the fact that practical learning opportunities available to youths in Uganda range from minimal to non-existent. As such, 300,000 graduates leaving the University system every year find themselves increasingly unprepared for white & blue collar employment, which is adapting faster due to advancements in technology.

Through UpSkill, the Innovation village is on a mission to close the skills gap that has condemned many youths to unemployment and underemployment by upskilling 1000 youths by 2021 on digital marketing and deploy more than half of them on projects within their networks. Areas covered are; Google Adwords, Search engine marketing, Search engine optimization, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Instagram Ads, Google analytics and so much more.

How to Apply

Turn your career around today by signing up to the Upskill Digital Marketing Masterclass to become a digital guru.