Three Digital Marketing Trends That Can Bring You Closer To Your Customers

By Tripp Donnelly

Source: Forbes

To stay in business, you have to go where the consumers are, and consumers are online more than ever. In fact, “more than a quarter of U.S. adults say they’re ‘almost constantly online.’” This is one of the more startling statistics from Mary Meeker’s annual Internet Trends Report, which includes observations on how consumer behaviors are shifting and how that shift will affect digital marketing and advertising in the future.

Here are three digital marketing trends that Meeker highlighted, and my advice on how you can take advantage of these trends to get closer to your customers and increase your marketing campaigns’ chances of success.

1. People Love Visuals, Videos And Voice

According to Meeker’s report, Americans spent 6.3 hours a day using digital media in 2018, an increase of 7% from 2017. People are getting their information from many sources as well, which in my experience can make it harder to capture the average consumer’s attention — but here’s how to do it.

Images: As Recode states in its summary of Meeker’s report, “images are increasingly the means by which people communicate, as technology developments like faster wifi and better phone cameras have encouraged a surge in image taking. More than 50 percent of Twitter impressions now involve posts with images, video or other media.”

Take the time to ensure that your visuals accurately represent your brand image. Choose fonts, photos, graphics and logos that reflect your brand. Make sure they’re all consistent. Then, use social media to get those images in front of your customers.

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