Top B2B Digital Marketing Trends to Embrace in 2021 and Beyond | MarcomCentral

Given today’s rapidly growing technology, digital marketing is becoming more complicated, confusing, and challenging nearly every day, especially on a B2B level. Following the latest and greatest marketing trends will give your business the fuel it needs to stay up to date and grow during these trying times.

Here, we’ll take a look at some of the best, biggest, and brightest B2B digital marketing trends to embrace in 2021 and beyond. This type of knowledge will help to keep a pulse on the competition and businesses will become more successful in the long run.

When taking a step back and looking at unique niches in the marketplace, important industry-related trends, and how they’re impacting everything, we’re able to make more strategic decisions towards a more successful future. So here are some of the biggest and brightest digital trends to embrace today and in the future.

Account-Based Marketing

Also known as ABM, account-based marketing techniques uses highly targeted campaigns to reach select accounts. Compared to other more traditional advertising and marketing methods, ABM delivers a 97% higher ROI. In addition, out of 100 B2B marketers recently surveyed, only six said they weren’t using already using ABM. Those utilizing this practice also insist it helps to align both sales and marketing together as a team to make better use of advertising materials. 

The Rise of Automation and Integration

Taking advantage of technology will streamline marketing in many ways, especially when it comes to content automation and integration. Using plugins, applications, and other platforms has made the distribution of content more efficient and cost-effective than ever before in connecting without today’s B2B audience. From a budgeting standpoint, global marketing automation spending is expected to increase to $25 billion by 2023.

Leveraging Customer Experience vs Customer Service

Over time, customer service has evolved from face-to-face consumer interactions to expanded customer experiences online. This is especially true in the shadow of a global pandemic when both buyers and marketers were stuck at home during these trying times.

This equates to using more methods on the internet that involve consumers participating in surveys, playing games containing advertisements, offering their feedback about products, services, and more. It’s a real win-win situation for everyone involved. 

The Growth of Artificial Intelligence

Twenty years ago, movies like A.I. helped to bring more awareness and acceptance about the use of artificial intelligence to audiences on the silver screen. Today, businesses are finding and using platforms like chatbots to interact with consumers without the use of the valuable time that could be spent on other endeavors.

As a matter of fact, of the 64% of businesses and marketers using AI chatbots they are reporting spending time solving more complex problems, compared to just 50% of those talking to people directly for simple requests. 

The Value of Podcasts

Publishing podcasts is also rising in popularity with both consumers and inside the B2B marketplace. Posting regular podcasts offer informative and valuable information for viewers. This type of content also provides businesses the opportunity to further connect with their audience. Allowing viewers to comment, participate, and interact with these publications builds trusting relationships with consumers and clients.

Generating Leads Through Content Creation 

Along with today’s popular podcasts, traffic coming in from blogs is often funneled towards gated content that generates leads. Today’s B2B broadcasters are also using eBooks, how-to guides, and other digital events like webinars to secure and capture leads.

Other content includes regular subscriptions to newsletters, emails, case studies, and social media posts that are all being utilized to convert possible prospects into paying customers. According to recent statistics from B2B marketing pros, these are among the most challenging marketplaces to be conquered. 

The Continued Evolution and Expansive Reach of Social Media

While Facebook still rules the roost of this connective online marketplace, plenty of other channels and platforms are giving Mr. Zuckerberg’s platform a run for today’s B2B marketing buck. For example, YouTube is nipping at Facebook’s heels with their global, mostly free viewing station that B2B and other consumers are using and accessing at a rising level. Posting on this platform is a fast and affordable way to reach a huge audience.

Targeting and Demographics When Utilizing Social Platforms

While LinkedIn is usually the primary choice for both sides of the B2B marketing world, often the use of this platform doesn’t reflect in the above-listed figures as the most used platform. Newer platforms that are rising in popularity include Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, which are rising with younger audiences. This is the time when B2B marketers need to examine how, when, and why to target different audiences. 

How Current B2B Content is Consumed

According to recent statistics, the way today’s current B2B decision-makers are consuming current content varies. However, the numbers point to these specific formats as the most popular presentations. For example, visual data is the clear leader at 66% but breaks down into the following methods:

At this point, it’s also vital to remember the importance of consumer review platforms that impact B2B customers. 59% of people consider review platforms prior to making a purchasing decision.

However, first in popularity, product demonstrations are coming in as the most highly used and recommended method at 72%. Next, websites or landing pages that highlight products along with free and trial accounts (both at 52%) also greatly influence potential purchases. 

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