Top five books on digital marketing

There are tones of information coming out everyday about digital, social, SEO, online, and inbound marketing. While you don’t have all the time to read every content about digital marketing; few books can help you grasp the idea better.

On number five on the list is Seth Godin’s ‘All marketers tell stories’. Digital marketing is the art of telling good stories through a digital medium, and there is no better book to give you any intro like Seth Godin’s work. Seth Godin explains the fundamentals of modern marketing: if you want your target market to discover and purchase your product, you must tell a consistent, authentic, believable story that fits the way they view the world. Great marketers are storytellers, they don’t talk about features or even benefits. Instead, they tell a story—a story we want to believe, whether it’s factual or not.

On number four on the list is ‘The New Rules of Marketing & PR’ by David Meerman Scott. The rules of digital marketing are constantly changing. David Meerman Scott’s essential message is that you can now bypass the traditional marketing channels and reach out directly to customers, provided you have a worthwhile offering and message. To do this, you must philosophically move from monologue to dialogue and from propaganda to participation. This book will give you a thorough understanding of how to use social media, content marketing, news releases and a lot more techniques to push your brand recognition, your marketing, and eventually make sales with it.

On number three on the list is the book titled ‘resonate’ written by Nancy Duarte. Perhaps one of the finest book written on the art of visual story telling giving your brand the best heroes journey advantage. The book is about how to persuade others by presenting a big idea that can easily resonate with the audience. It tells you how to make engaging presentations and content more like story structures that strike a chord with emotions rather than presenting them as documents.

On number two on the list is ‘epic content marketing’ by Joe Pulizzi. This is a book about delivering helpful, entertaining and valuable content to your target group than talking about products, features, and benefits. The author gives us a historic perspective on how content marketing came into existence and how it’s creating a loyal and attentive audience for brands. Drawing from case studies and principles, this book gives you strategic insights on how you can develop a content strategy for your offerings.

And on number one it’s ‘the art of digital marketing’ by Ian Dodson. Based on the industry’s leading certification from the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI), this book presents an innovative methodology for successful digital marketing: start with the customer and work backwards.

So there you have it, our top five picks on digital marketing. If you think there is a book worth mentioning, then please comment on the section below.

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