Using ChatGPT for Digital Marketing Campaign Creation – Softcrylic

Using ChatGPT for Digital Marketing Campaign Creation - Softcrylic

ChatGPT is growing and becoming a part of our daily lives. There are many functionalities ChatGPT can be used for such as answering questions, translating languages, general creative ideas, and much more. This AI Technology modeled application is also being utilized by Digital Marketers. ChatGPT can assist digital marketers with campaign ideation, generating keywords, creating ad groups, & much more.

ChatGPT Prompts are text-based commands that help the AI application provide useful results. ChatGPT Prompts are the key to success for efficient and detailed results executed from the platform.

This article will show you step by step on how to create a Google Adwords paid search digital marketing campaign for an FHA Loan utilizing ChatGPT Prompts.

Step1: ChatGPT Prompt to Generate Campaign Objective

One of the first steps of creating a campaign in Google Adwords is determining the campaign objective. ChatGPT can help ideate and generate results for campaign objectives based on the query provided.  In the example below we will be generating a Campaign Objective for a lead generation campaign for an FHA Loan.

Example: Product Name: FHA Loan

Product Description: One of the primary purposes of a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan is to help make homeownership more possible for those buyers who may not qualify for a conventional mortgage. FHA loan benefits are numerous, from low down payment requirements to competitive FHA rates.

Product Benefits & Selling Points: The Benefits of FHA Loan are low mortgage rates, easier credit score qualifications, Low down payment, Low (or no) closing costs, Lenient FHA debt-to-income ratio, and better interest rates.

FHA Loan Prompt 1: Generate Google Ads Paid Search Lead Generation Campaign objective for FHA Loans.

Step 2: CHATGPT Prompt to Create Audience Personas for FHA Mortgages

Audience personas serve as a guide for crafting targeted, relevant, and effective ad content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of different segments of your target audience. Leveraging ChatGPT for both ideations of these audiences and expanding on their behavioral wants and needs will lead to improved engagement, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, a more successful advertising strategy.

Choose a characteristic and ask it to create a specific persona based on that characteristic.

Prompt: “Create an audience persona for someone buying an FHA loan who is a first-time homebuyer.”


Create an audience persona based on the values, interests, or hobbies of the individual.

Prompt: “Create an audience persona for someone buying an FHA loan who is financially stable and responsible. Someone who prioritizes budgeting, saving for a down payment, and managing their finances effectively. These individuals may seek to establish a solid foundation for their financial future through homeownership.


Step3: ChatGPT Prompt to Generate AD Groups/Keyword

This prompt will help you generate Ad Groups and Keywords ideation for your campaign. Best practices are to provide enough context for your product or services before generating a prompt for your need. In this example for an FHA Loan, we provided the product description and its benefits before generating the prompt. The more information you can provide before asking your prompt, the more detailed and relative the output will be.

Example: Product Name: FHA Loan

Product Description: One of the primary purposes of a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan is to help make homeownership more possible for those buyers who may not qualify for a conventional mortgage. FHA loan benefits are numerous, from low down payment requirements to competitive FHA rates.

Product Benefits & Selling Points: The Benefits of FHA Loan are low mortgage rates, easier credit score qualifications, Low down payment, Low (or no) closing costs, Lenient FHA debt-to-income ratio, and better interest rates.

FHA Loan Prompt 1: Generate Google Ads Paid Search Ad Groups for FHA Loan Lead Generation Campaign. Create 5 different ad groups for FHA Loans with keywords, match types, and search volume. Provide the best FHA Loan keywords with high volume.

Step 4: ChatGPT Prompt to Generate AD Copy for RSA

In this section, we’ll explore how ChatGPT can assist you in generating effective ad copy for Google Ads Responsive Search Ads (RSA) campaigns, maximizing your ad performance and saving you valuable time.

By leveraging ChatGPT, you can supercharge your RSA campaigns with the following benefits:

Creative Ad Copy: By analyzing your product, unique selling points and targeted keywords, ChatGPT can produce multiple variations of headlines and descriptions.

A/B Testing Insights: With ChatGPT, you can effortlessly generate multiple ad copy variations, allowing you to conduct A/B testing without the need for extensive manual content creation. This enables you to gather insights into which headlines and descriptions resonate best with your audience, optimizing your ad campaigns for maximum performance.

Time and Cost Savings: Crafting high-quality ad copy can be a time-consuming process. However, ChatGPT automates this task, significantly reducing the time and effort required to generate compelling ad content.

The example below shows how to write product information in ChatGPT to generate effective Google Ad Headlines, Descriptions, Sitelink Headline and Callout.

Product Name: FHA Loan

Product Description: One of the primary purposes of a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan is to help make homeownership more possible for those buyers who may not qualify for a conventional mortgage. FHA loan benefits are numerous, from low down payment requirements to competitive FHA rates.

Product Benefits & Selling Points: The Benefits of FHA Loan are low mortgage rates, easier credit score qualifications, Low down payment, Low (or no) closing costs, Lenient FHA debt-to-income ratio, and better interest rates.

Keyword: FHA Loan

Prompt 1: 30-character Google Ads Headlines

You are an expert copywriter who is an expert at writing Google Ads headlines. You speak English and you speak in an active voice. Use the information above including my Keyword, Product Benefits & Selling Points, Product Description, and Product Name to write 15 unique Google Ads headlines that are 30 characters or less including spaces. Spaces in the headlines count as characters. The headlines should encourage people to purchase Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan and it should sell customers on the benefits of FHA Loan. Output the list of Google Ads headlines beneath a heading that says “30-Character Headlines”


Prompt 2: 90-character Google Ads Descriptions

You are an expert copywriter who is an expert at writing Google Ads descriptions. You speak English and you speak in an active voice. Use the information above including my Keyword, Product Benefits & Selling Points, Product Description, and Product Name to write 10 unique Google Ads descriptions that are 90 characters or less including spaces. Spaces in the descriptions count as characters. Use at least 60 characters for each description line. The descriptions should encourage people to purchase Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan and it should sell customers on the benefits of FHA Loan. Output the list of Google Ads descriptions beneath a heading that says “30-Character Descriptions”


Prompt 3: 25-character Google Ads Callout

Use the information above including my Keyword, Product Benefits & Selling Points, Product Description, and Product Name to write 10 unique Google Ads Callout that are 25 characters or less including spaces.

Step 5: ChatGPT Prompt to Generate Negative Keywords

In an FHA Mortgage campaign, you’d want to exclude keywords that could potentially lead to irrelevant searches, incorrect audience targeting, or wastage of advertising budget. This section focuses on a list of general negative keywords that an FHA Mortgage company’s campaign should avoid.

Prompt: “Which keywords should I exclude to prevent my ads from showing for irrelevant searches for an FHA mortgage campaign?”

This next section focuses on a more specific audience to avoid. These keywords will help to filter out people who may not be eligible for an FHA mortgage due to credit history or financial distress, ensuring a more relevant audience for the campaign.

Prompt: “List negative keywords that an FHA Mortgage Campaign should use to avoid searches related to ‘poor credit score’, ‘bankruptcy’, or ‘foreclosure’.”

Closing Statement

Utilizing ChatGPT for creating Google Adwords Paid Search Campaigns can be an essential tool for Digital Marketers. ChatGPT can assist marketers with ideation and brainstorming efficient Digital Marketing campaign strategies.

However, there is still room for growth for this AI platform.  Our team had to adjust several prompts and queries to get a definitive and relative output from ChatGPT. AI technology is growing and isn’t perfect. It’s important to re-evaluate and analyze any outputs from ChatGPT before implementing them in your campaign creation.

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