Weaving Influence | Digital Marketing Agency | 3 Ways to Celebrate Your Book Launch

You’ve written your manuscript, found a publisher, survived the revisions, and now you have a date circled on your calendar when your book will launch into the world. This is a big deal, and

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got three ideas that you can take action on and personalize to fit your book and audience. 

You’re Cordially Invited

I can always tell when one of my kids has received an invitation to a birthday party from a classmate, because as soon as they get in the car they’re talking about it and asking if they can go. They’re excited about the possibility of doing something fun, eating something good, and joining in their friend’s celebration. So why should a book launch be any different? Don’t you want people to be that excited with you about this major life event?

TAKE ACTION We’ve talked about the importance of creating in the past, and this is why. It’s time to reach out to those people who have opted in, and let them know that your book is coming and you’d like to invite them to help you celebrate. Don’t just make it another form letter, though . . . get creative! Start by asking yourself why people would want to support, buy, and promote your book over others in the same genre, and then share that with them. 

Excitement is contagious, so if you’re excited, chances are, they will be too. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Be The Center of Attention

Becky Robinson has been known to say that . Why? Because major life events such as a graduation, wedding, or retirement, usually involve a party, where your friends and family gather to celebrate with you. Reaching this milestone of becoming a published author should also be acknowledged and celebrated.

TAKE ACTION This book that you’re about to publish is the culmination of months — if not years — of work, so don’t be shy about throwing some cake at it and inviting your friends to join you! Host the event at an independent bookstore, in your backyard, or at a local coffeehouse. Announce it through your social channels, and invite others to join you. The more the merrier! Set up a photobooth at the event, with copies of your book on hand (and your social handles clearly visible) so people can immediately take a snapshot and share their support of your hard work.

You’ve worked hard to get here, so don’t be afraid to shine!    

Apply The Peppa Pig Principle

When my youngest turned five, she was right in the middle of a Peppa Pig phase. At her party we had Peppa Pig plates, napkins, cups, hats, and party horns, and when she received a giant stuffed Peppa Pig, no one had any doubts about her excitement. Well, guess what? You’ve written a BOOK — you should be as excited as a Peppa Pig crazy five year old! 

TAKE ACTION If people visit your website, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter accounts, can they instantly tell that you’ve written a book and you are excited about it? Have you “decorated” your online world with beautiful graphics announcing the release? Can they easily find out when it’s coming or where they can pre-order it? If the answer is no, then one of the first things you need to do is visit a free site like and work on your party decor! Update your social headers, create graphics using book endorsements or quotes and share them regularly, let people know that you . . . and others . . . are a fan of this book!

In a world full of bad news, give people something to get excited about.