Website and Yabber Updated to Include Basic Featured Rates Panel – BeliefMedia Finance & Mortgage Broker Digital Marketing

A couple of years ago we introduced a featured rate panel that’d return formatted rates within a style of textbox. On the back of a recent request from a client, we’ve created a new style of featured panel that’ll return a similar lender rate textbox that is managed entirely from Yabber. While the former rate panel remains, the new panel is simplistic and arguably more persuasive. This article will introduce the basic feature, the WordPress shortcode, and how to use the Elementor block.

  The Result

For the first example, we’ll look at the typical lowest rate that many brokers rightly or wrongly show on their entry page (and this is where the requesting client required the basic rate text). We’ve created a profile  in Yabber that includes the type of rate we require and we’ve defined the applicable style . The result of the shortcode [bm_featured_rate profile="ef52f9bbf0e5fca721096e2ec7e8d293"] returns the following:

5.89% / 5.9%*

The basic text-only style shown above is the expected usage. For those that insist on using prominent call-to-action rate text on page entry, this is the general style that should be applied.

In the second example we’ll use the lowest CommBank owner occupied variable rate  against a plain ‘box’ background . We’ve also linked the rate to an internal page.

Stacked rates might be suitable in a sidebar or similar when making attempts to funnel a user through to the conversion archives (applied to 100% width  rather than a defined pixel width as used in the above example).

For the third example, we’ll apply a background image  and restrict lenders to St. George  (Owner Occupied Variable Rate). The styling looks a little ridiculous because we’ve exaggerated the branding.

Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. Example St. George text. 

Our examples were fairly ordinary in terms of presentation, but the styling options allow you to create virtually any design. As mentioned earlier, in most cases you’ll simply use the naked rate text.

  Yabber Profiles and Styles

A Yabber pairing consists of a profile (the text and rate type, if any), and the style. When creating a profile, you’ll be prompted for a rate type and optional borrowing type. You may also assign a specific lender and create an optional link (in our Commbank examples we’ve linked to the demo Commbank archive).

Pictured: You may select a ‘Lowest Rate of Type’ or ‘Custom Placeholder Text’ in the rate select menu. Using the default of ‘Lowest Rate of Type’ shows a select menu where a range of product types may be selected. By default, the rate returned will be measured against all lenders, although you may select a specific lender from the ‘Lender’ select menu.

Because Yabber is a multi-website system, you’re required to send the profiles to your website  in order for them to be made available. When sending, we pair each profile to a style, and send.

Rates are cached for up to two days before replaced with fresh data. The data queried via this endpoint ignores data within 5 basis points of the published rate, so the erroneous and deceptive rates returned via lenders such as Gateway and Judo are ignored.

  The Elementor Widget

In the case of most of our rate features, the easiest method of inclusion is via the use of a drag-and-drop Elementor block. In the case of the featured rate, the shortcode is easily applied  and doesn’t include an array of attributes, so it’s probably the preferred method (the linked image shows the ‘Review’ page which includes the full list of profiles and styles for review and editing).

If building a full page, the Elementor block is available. Search for BM Featured Rate, drag into any post or page, and then select the applicable profile as defined in Yabber.

Pictured: Search Elementor for ‘Featured’, select the ‘BM Featured Rate’ block, drag onto your page, and select the applicable profile. The results is immediately rendered and will always remain up-to-date.

The widget is made available in Version 0.9.5 of the ‘BeliefMedia Elementor’ plugin.

  Lender API

Your client API Key provides full and complete access to the Lender and Comparison API, and this includes various endpoints that’ll serve the data in as described in this article. The applicable API documentation should be consulted for those that are interested and have the appropriate training.

  Related Articles

Of all the rate-related features, the Featured Rate may be the least significant. For those that choose to provide their clients with the information they’ll actually interested in seeing, there’s a large number of Rate tools that serves data in various formats.

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