wezz.nl E-commerce bureau Amsterdam



Social Network Impact for

wezz.nl Refresh analysis


wezz.nl is incredibly popular in Facebook and Twitter.It has 100 twitter followers. Moreover its facebook page has 194 likes.This CoolSocial report was upgraded on, you can revitalize this analysis whenever you want.Wezz.nl scored Social Media Impact. Social network Effect score is a procedure of what does it cost? a website is popular on socials media./ 5.0 Stars by Social Group Congratulations, wezz.nl got a great Social Media Effect Rating! Show it by including this HTML code on your site : Facebook website likes

+page likes EXCELLENT 194 page likes Twitter tweets+fans GREAT 100 fans Delicious Stumble Upon Google Plus The total number

of people who shared the wezz homepage on Google Plus by a google +1 button.This is thesum of two values: the total variety of individuals who shared the wezz homepage on Twitter+theoverall variety of wezz followers (if wezz has a Twitter account).
The overall variety of individuals who
shared the wezz homepage
on Delicious.The overall number of individuals who shared the wezz homepage on StumbleUpon.This is the amount of two values: the total variety of individuals who shared, liked or recommended the wezz homepage on Facebook+ the overall numberof page likes (if wezz has a Facebook fan page ).66.0%34.0 %0.0%0.0% 0.0 %PAGE TITLE E-commerce bureau Amsterdam|Wezz e-Commerce Wezz e-Commerce bureau Amsterdam is gespecialiseerd in webshops. Wij leveren ontwerp, ontwikkeling en marketing van webshops.internetbureau, e-commerce bureau, internetbureau amsterdam, uw e-commerce in Amsterdam, e-commerce in Amsterdam magento, commerce, webshop, online, nieuwe, magento webshop, website CoolSocial advanced keyword analysis tool is able to discover and evaluate every keyword on each page of a site.The keywords meta-tag found in the head area of the homepage.The description meta-tag found
in the
head area of the homepage.The title discovered in
the head section of the homepage.The URL(

Uniform Resource Locator)

is the address of the site.UTF-8 English Linux The language of wezz.nl

as identifiedby CoolSocial algorithms.Operative System running on the server.Type of server and offered services.Character set and language of

the site.Represents HTML stated type(e.g.: XHTML 1.1, HTML 4.0, the new HTML 5.0)Website Traffic pattern throughout the last year. Only offered for sites ranked

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