What Makes a Good Brand Tagline | Electric Bricks Digital Marketing

What Makes a Good Brand Tagline | Electric Bricks Digital Marketing

One of the first things to be considered when designing a new website for your business is the development, appearance and placement of your company tagline. Many small business owners underestimate how crucial that is in the overall success of their business and how pivotal it is to gaining long term recognition for their organization. In order to differentiate your brand from your competitors and stand out to your customers, it all starts with creating a memorable tagline. In a world where consumers are constantly facing a barrage of social media, it’s crucial that marketers find a tagline that is memorable and stands out above the rest. There are several ways to accomplish this. Become a storyteller: There’s always a story behind your brand, so create an interesting tagline that entices people to want to learn more and compel them to share what you stand for with others. Your tagline is not really a place to highlight the attributes of your product or company, but rather a way to intrigue prospective customers and set the stage for them to want to become more familiar with what you have to offer. What’s important to remember is that your tagline is not just about using catchy wording, instead, a successful tagline works to align with the personality and unique values that you ultimately want associated with your brand. The Emotional Factor: Whether we realize it or not, people react emotionally when they hear a brand tagline for the first time. A successful tagline will ideally evoke not just curiosity or a spirited feeling, but also something that people will have a positive response to. It’s Quality not Quantity: People have little or no attention span these days, so try to use limited wording when crafting your brand tagline. The longer your tagline, odds are it will make a limited impression. Some iconic brands still use taglines that were created years ago, because they are immediately recognizable, successful at retaining current customers and still serve to attract new ones. Once you have a winning tagline, it’s important to stick with it as there are many stories of brands who have attempted to change the design of their logo or brand tagline, only to have to revert back after an outpouring of concern from their customers. Be Consistent: A successful tagline is one that can be applied successfully across all platforms. Whether being highlighted on your website, appearing on social media media websites, newspapers, print ads, billboards or more, customers should always be able to recognize your tagline and not mistake another brand for yours. Beyond any descriptive words that are used, make sure your tagline can be consistently yet creatively expressed across any medium. If you are interested in learning more about what makes a successful brand tagline, schedule a discovery call with our digital marketing experts. Having worked with many organizations in a variety of industries, they can provide valuable insight into how your specific tagline can be instrumental in propelling your organization forward.

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