What Makes SEO Important In Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is an effective and efficient way to bring users to your online platforms. It might be a vital part of your digital marketing campaign if you use it correctly. However, SEO is continually changing, and keeping up to date with the new changes can be a struggle. Moreover, it is worth the effort as about 70 to 80% of consumers rely solely on organic results.

For most sites, SEO in the coming years may not be different from the last few years. While you need to develop the same things, you also need to set the bar higher. That is because the competition is becoming stiff. Google and the future customers are becoming smarter at understanding real efficiency from organic efforts.

SEO Elements That Matter In Your Digital Marketing Campaign

You also have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture to see if you’re meeting the right audience at the right moment. There is a constant monitor whether your campaigns are doing their job in finding the audience you want and the results you are aiming for. SEO can carve a great deal in ensuring success for your digital marketing campaign.

Here are some SEO-related elements that would matter to your digital marketing efforts.

#1. Rise of Featured Snippets

Featured snippets, which were introduced out in 2017, are a kind of workaround to achieving visibility in Google. What makes them powerful is that they are relatively brief yet appear even before the top results in Search Engine Result Pages or SERP. Featured snippets can be found on a box above the individual products at the top of the SERPs when you type something in Google.

This SEO feature is often structured as a Q&A or a short bullet-point or how-to guide. Sometimes, rich fragments are also available, including photos, star-based ratings, product pricing, and related information. It also focuses on question-based content and related keywords to build excerpts. Being on the featured snippets makes your website robust and improves your online reputation. It will boost your business’ reputation and make your brand an authority in your niche industry, making your digital marketing campaign more effective in drawing customers’ attention.

#2. Videos Will Matter

Video on the internet has already come a long way as YouTube has over 2 billion subscribers these days. So, if you are still not making video content, it is now the time to get started. Video is expected to overtake all other promotional activity in your digital marketing campaign in terms of consumption in the coming days.

But how do you customize the video content? You have to make sure that optimize the name and definition of your video channel. Your bio description should have optimized keywords, and it must include an easy to understand rundown of what your channel is all about.

For example, if you’re optimizing your YouTube channel, you can draw inspiration from the platform’s auto-complete function. You can start typing your video theme to see what appears in the search area. You can then list the recommended keywords, showing you exactly what users on YouTube are looking for and what you can use for your videos.

#3. Image Optimization Will Be Key

Back in the days, usually, pictures don’t count in the ranking to most SERPs and only provide visual aesthetics to your digital marketing campaign. However, image search has grown significantly over the years. It used to be where people will look at the videos. These days, people are now able to buy goods, access knowledge, and more through images. Because of this, Google has long focused on the correct labeling and optimization of photos. So it will make sense that you should make this a part of your long-term strategy.

If the images on your website are not optimized, you need to take care of them now. Use high-quality, appropriate photos on your webpages. Use proper design software so you can come up with appealing images. Make sure you optimize your website’s image like its file name. You can mark the picture file so that it is relevant to the corresponding tab’s contents. Finally, add the images to your web map, where it easier for your photos to crawl.

#4. Voice Search Will Take Over

Owing to technologies such as Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa, voice search technology is now taking center stage. It has also grown in popularity in time. Figures show that the number of households projected to own a smart speaker by 2022 is 55%.

So, you need to consider your keywords to improve your voice search. Identify the longer sentences that people will use in their daily speech. Voice searches appear to perform well for longer, more natural-sounding words. For example, someone may type on the search bar, “new design trends 2021”, however for voice search, they will be searching with, “What are the latest design trends for 2021?”.

#5. Makes Your Site Mobile Friendly

In 2019, Google carried out mobile-first indexing. It means that the search engine mainly looks at how websites carry out their mobile version. The search engine even calls it the “primary” version instead of the desktop one. This move makes sense, considering that almost 73% of Internet users will only access the Internet through mobile devices by 2025.

To ensure that you will not get left behind, check how successful your website is with Google’s free mobile test. You can also take a look at the “mobile usability” report in the Google Search Console.

#6. Long-Form Content Will Matter In Search Engines

Shift your focus on long-form content as it gets higher search rankings. That said, your content needs to retain consistency. The goal is to provide users with shared knowledge that keeps them involved. Next, split the content into sections with the H2 and H3 subheadings to make it more scalable. Subheadings matter and are essential for mobile pages.

Also, you need to ensure that you connect to appropriate, reputable sources with a high authority ranking. Finally, make sure the material is easy to distribute. Have simple link sharing at the headline and the end so that readers can share your content even with just a simple click.

Final Thoughts

The role of SEO in your digital marketing campaign is to gain the exposure you want in your promotional activities without even spending a decent amount of your budget. If you exert effort in your SEO drive, it can help establish your brand to attract more traffic to your website. It can also improve the website user experience, which is an important ranking factor for Google. Moreover, SEO can help your digital marketing campaign improve sales conversion bringing success to your business and great competition.

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