ZERO To 60+ Digital Marketing Agency Clients With This BIZARRE Texting

all right guys well i’m super pumped for this 
interview this has been a long time coming we’ve   been going back and forth for i feel like weeks 
and this guy has been traveling all over the world   just having too much fun because his agency’s 
absolutely crushing it um so Kerolous first   of all thanks man for jumping on and if you don’t 
mind take like 30 seconds and give a quick rundown   give a little background of who you are what you 
do and then we’ll roll into things you’re more   than welcome it’s been it’s an absolute pleasure 
being here so my name is Kerolous and i basically   run a real estate marketing agency so i help real 
estate agents essentially make more sales and   more commissions uh i mainly use um goal 
of high level as my uh i don’t know if   you guys have heard of it but i’ll go high 
level as um my mentor sort of go out there and   give them the result that they want that’s 
awesome man so so you got you got a real   estate marketing agency leveraging 
go high level and you’re growing it   you’re just telling me um because i think you 
started was it a year has it been a year yet   yeah it’s been um just over a year now yeah yeah 
just over because i remember it was probably   about this time last year we got connected and 
you’re just telling me you’ve got over 60 clients   and on top of that you know you’ve been traveling 
quite a bit while still managing the client still   getting this thing going and so you’re you’re 
absolutely crushing so i’m super excited to dive   in on a lot of stuff and one question i i just got 
to have you answer right here from the very get-go   because i get asked this question all the 
time like emails youtube comments and all that   and it sounds like you have a bit of an accent 
and so people always ask is does this method   actually work outside of the united states 
so firsthand where do you live does it work   give us a little quick uh feedback on that of 
course so i’m actually from the united kingdom um   and hence the accent and i actually had the same 
question before i even purchased the program so   i joined i like does this work and i found a bunch 
of people in different places all around the world   making it happen i was like i know what if 
it could work for them it worked for me so i   really took take action which is what i think 
is the most important thing is actually taking   action so many people are just um consume 
content without doing anything and they think   they’re moving forward but they’re not uh but if 
you actually do take action which is what i did   um you see incredible results and i’m so thankful 
and glad i took action and it definitely does work   in the united kingdom and i’m still 
targeting clients in the us and i’m in   the uk and i’m currently traveling everywhere 
so um it’s it’s it’s the dream business model   i love it man so are most are most of your clients 
in the us or do you have clients in the uk as well   i have both so some clients in the uk but 
the majority of my farmers are from the us   okay cool man just before i think i think a 
lot of them also um like the british accent so anyway long story short guys anyone watching or 
listening it works even if you’re outside the u.s   if you still want to target clients in the u.s 
when you’re you don’t live in the us or if you   want to target clients in your home country this 
same model will work anywhere right um so care   let’s get give a quick rundown of how you actually 
got into the digital marketing world like take   us back i don’t know if was it a year ago tell us 
kind of how you stumbled across this whole method   and got got into it good question so i it was 
actually like over a year ago it was like two   two and a bit years ago and i i purchased every 
uh course that i thought could bring me success   um and i i went into some courses thinking i’d get 
massive success uh i spent thousands and thousands   of dollars and i ended up just like being so 
far in debt and it was so hard to get out there i initially started like with the traditional 
agency model uh agency model where um you try   out the client two three grand a month the idea is 
you try to find two three grand a month and you’re   providing results um month after month um but then 
it turns out it’s it’s not as easy as it sounds   uh to do that model targeting thousands a month 
um and then constantly having the stress of   delivering results and that it was just such 
a balloon we kept going around like chasing my   own tail um until i obviously stumbled across what 
you show and what you saw i thought it was another   i’m gonna be honest i thought it was just another 
course i thought i was consuming a lot of your   content beforehand and i thought you know what if 
his organic content is this good well i can’t even   imagine like what’s inside like so i decided 
to take uh take action and jump in and i’m so   glad i did because it is exactly what i’ve been 
wanting which is to get clients great results not   have to do much work at all and not have to like 
constantly and worry month after month whether   they’re seeing like they’re seeing good 
results um isn’t quite going to leave me   and if the client does leave me it’s like 
it’s not a massive deal because if i was   charging thousands and the client left me then 
i’ll be out thousands right but because with this   new business model i’m charging like hundreds 
not thousands so if you have like quite a lot   of clients um and you lose one it’s not going 
to make a dent you just put more into marketing   get another client so it’s just it’s as simple 
as that and it works it it’s proven to work and   hundreds of people have done it outside of me 
and i just think if it’s not broke don’t fix it love it man so you you’ve done some cool things 
man because like not not everyone goes and um   first of all not everyone goes and implements 
a course once they buy it right a lot of people   just like they buy it they get sold on the dream 
and then they realize oh there’s work involved so   you’ve actually done the work but then even like 
going and growing to you know 60 clients like   that’s like not something that every single person 
does and so um i know you’ve done some cool unique   methods as far as going out and getting clients 
and we were talking about some of the stuff just   a minute ago even um leveraging like texting and 
stuff so one question um which you know before   we get to that let’s jump back to how you you 
actually went through and got your first client   because that that’s always another big question 
and then we’ll get into the whole texting strategy   because i know a lot of people will probably be 
very interested in how you’re going through and   getting clients via text which uh you’re doing 
it the legal way now which you were telling me   it was illegal but you didn’t 
realize that when you first started   which is all good um but yeah tell us how you 
got that first client what were you doing to get   that first client what was what’d the offer look 
like price point all that great um so initially i   i went through the organic route so i was 
organically outreaching two prospects and   then it sort of like i realized that i am not the 
best person to do that because i’m like super lazy   and so i was reaching out to a few people and then 
i was terrible at following up but i knew like   i was jilled in me that consistency is key 
and if i’m not consistent i’m on football   all of this stuff then i’m just not gonna 
see results so what i went and did is i   went and found myself a virtual assistant and 
that has been like my secret weapon because   getting a virtual assistant to do all the tedious 
things and by the way nothing is actually like   what i realize now is nothing is actually hard 
it’s just tedious right as long as you can put   yeah as long as you can just do those tedious 
little tasks um you’re bound to see results and   so what she was doing is she went in she was 
texting people on instagram she was texting   people on facebook she was texting people on 
linkedin um and it was like it was a message we   ever heard that they actually wanted so um i can’t 
remember what my very very first message was but   i i’m pretty sure it was like it was nothing 
special it was like my price point was 197   and initially i was reaching out to them saying 
hey look we’re just we’re testing something brand   new um would you like to be interested in beta 
testing on a program or something along those   lines it was a a very like simple text message 
that people might overlook sometimes but sometimes   the more simple they are the better and 
the shorter the message the better because   if it’s like i started off something massive 
like paragraphs and i was seeing no response   yeah and then like the more i shorten the message 
the more the responses were coming in and so i got   my first client through that we hopped on a quick 
like zoom call um and i just i showed him like   like the cool foundations of what it is i tried 
not to talk about features too much just the   benefits that they were going to see and so 
they ended up moving forward and they were   happy as anything and i still have that client 
now and um it’s just it’s such a great like   it’s a great feeling knowing that you’re 
helping other people and um you’re like you’re   truly adding value uh and you’re not in like the 
business you’re not constantly like grasping and   trying to get results month after month it’s all 
self-managed from there so once they know how to   use it and they’re familiar and they’re seeing 
results it’s just the utility bill at the end   of the day right yep so that’s what i went out 
there i went and got myself a virtual assistant   blasting out messages um my literally day 
after day after day working eight hours   way more than what i can do like you 
cooked me on a computer for one hour and i   am like um that’s it that’s me gone i’m ready 
for bed but yeah she’s um she’s she’s a beast   so that was the very first thing that 
i did and i’m glad i did it because   i think if i was doing it on my own i’ll just 
i’ll be so further back than what i am now   is she still working for you then he is she’s 
still working for me that’s awesome for me she’s amazing like honestly like and she 
does like everything to such a high standard   like the things that i don’t know like i 
don’t have to use excel to save my life so   like just go to the show i’m like not 
the most tech savvy person in the world   and i’m able to run something like this but she 
wouldn’t run it much better than i would like yeah where did you find did you find her just like on 
upwork or something or what no no so initially i   was looking at up work i found a few people but 
they were they weren’t that great and i went to   uh i owed something of philippines 
uh i said it in the virtual a va virtual assistants in the philippines and 
it was like a site full of virtual assistants   uh people have to do a really high quality and you 
could select and pick the one that basically suits   your business and what you do most uh and she’s 
like she’s really good like like say hours a day   um really like excel like i told you but 
she i just don’t have to use it and she   went on it she organized everything uh like 
even when it comes down to say your clients   don’t know how to upload an excel and there’s not 
going through for whatever reason on go high level   and she’ll look into it and be like 
obvious because this is wrong this is wrong   she’ll do it for me which is brilliant that’s 
awesome man that’s legit well okay so so that’s   kind of how you went through got your first 
client um walk us through this uh because this   is a question i get all the time right like one 
how do i get my first client and then the next   is just like client acquisition people are always 
questioning about client acquisition right because   like as far as fulfillment goes like we’re relying 
on heavily on the software fulfillment’s pretty   easy um so walk us through like this this texting 
model that you’re doing like the texting outreach   and how you’re going through and pulling clients 
in i like the texting idea because it’s a lot   more personal personalized than like uh email even 
and on top of that like your your text open rates   and response rates are significantly higher than 
pretty much any other type of messaging platform   um so anyway yeah break down kind of what you’re 
doing there and um how you’re going through and   getting clients of course so initially like my 
quality i was doing it all in the it was like not   intentional at all but i went through it um i just 
got a massive list and i uploaded it and i started   like messaging like getting the software to 
automatically message these people and then i like   searched off later on now like the regulations 
and stuff yeah i should definitely stop this   did you did you actually get in trouble 
for doing that no no i never got in trouble   like and goes to show cause i sent out for like 
3 000 people until i found out yeah so like um i   sent it out and i didn’t get any trouble 
at all but after finding out it was   illegal obviously i went about it doing it 
differently and that strategy is basically   providing them with free value first which is 
probably the most important thing you could do and   if you’re thinking well what else do i give them 
um go high level they already have content created   for particular niches so for example you’re in 
the real estate nation or a real estate agent   they have content that have already been created 
for real estate agents that are known to convert   so all you would do you could do this one of two 
ways you could either do this organically or using   using paper methods and what you would do is you 
target an audience with a free hook so saying hey   um check out some free new content we’d love to 
hear your thoughts that sounds very like so where   are you putting where are you putting this free 
hook out or like are you sending it to them in   a text or you like putting in a facebook group or 
what are you doing yeah so like okay so this way   you would go i go to facebook groups or you can 
message them on facebook instagram or linkedin uh   you can literally just say hey look um we’re just 
testing out some new content seeing some great   results from it uh would you be interested in like 
having a coffee for yourselves like downloading a   copy for yourself and then they’re like yeah you 
just get their information and then you’re legally   allowed to send them a text message so then two 
days after we’re like hey how are you finding the   content so far um we’ve just seen some great 
results from some of our clients testing out   uh and they’ll reply back so yeah it’s really 
good or yeah i haven’t got a chance to try it yeah   whatever it might be but great and we actually 
have uh something brand new that we’re testing out   uh it’s actually a brand new real estate 
celebrity program or whatever your hook is   um would you be interested in checking it out 
giving it like uh getting more information uh if   i say yes great you move over to zoom pool or if 
you have like a link or a funnel already created   if you just go ahead and get more information 
and buy the product um but i would recommend   if you were starting out to actually like pop 
in a call with them just so they like they see   you and you can just very quickly show them like 
you don’t even need to do a lot of selling like   build a little bit better rapport on a zoom yeah 
exactly yeah feel better and you don’t have to   like if you if you don’t like talking to people 
then i i understand because i am the same way i   hate hopping on like like calls with like people 
and trying to like get myself prepped um so i’m   just not like the person like talk to people on 
a date and like freeing up time as well like 100   like i understand that so if you’d rather a funnel 
you could easily do that right so you could easily   create a funnel with more information 
maybe even like a video of yourself or   even if it could be a video just be like uh just 
a presentation going through what it does and   how you could help them and the price is down 
below um so that’s another way um of doing it   and then obviously because you’re sending in about 
text messages they are and they’ve downloaded your   content and they’re more incentivized to them 
reply to you and um go through that process   and eventually become a client gotcha okay so 
just kind of break this down making sure i’m   understanding this correctly so what you do is 
and i’m assuming you have your va do this is you   reach out like facebook direct message and um in 
there you’re sending them a link basically to a   simple like landing page opt-in page is that right 
it’s like so like offering that value so you’re   you’re reaching out facebook direct message hey 
we’ve got this free ad template or whatever it is   here’s the link they go to the landing page right 
is this am i yeah so they following right the   landing page they put in their name phone email 
so now they opted in with their phone number   you legally can go and text them so now you’re 
you’re going through probably delivering it via   email whatever you promised and then two 
days later you shoot him a text saying hey   you know what did you think of the the free thing 
i just gave you and then kind of leading that into   a zoom call exactly and it’s going to be nice 
because they’re going to think like so then   it’s going to feel like you care because yeah if 
i get a message saying hey look we just sent you   out something like you just sent me out some free 
stuff how was it like if someone someone sent me a   pair of shoes and like hey how how old are the new 
shoes like they’re amazing like thanks for asking   um and then obviously like you’ve got that rapport 
um you’ve got that trust factor there already so   then the fact that they have to clink like click 
on the link again is not something that they even   even think about because they’ve got your content 
they know you and they don’t think it’s spam they   will click on it and check it out and if it’s 
something that interests them then they’ll move   over or move forward with you if that makes sense 
no totally man that’s awesome so another way to   do it is to run an ad and do the same thing yeah 
more effective because you can reach more people   yeah it means just a little bit more leverage 
i mean if you got your va doing the outreach   you probably it would probably be interesting 
to see the difference of cost per lead of like   va what you’re paying her hourly with the leads 
coming in versus like running ads on facebook   so that would be an interesting kind of metric to 
look at so how much is she is she doing like all   like the facebook direct message outreach and then 
are you doing like the texting once like the two   days later the follow-up text is going out or is 
she doing all of that until they’re booking a zoom   so great question so she does all of the outreach 
like all of the outreach all of them follow up on   facebook instagram and linkedin so um all 
of the platforms she’s like on top of it   all the time um with the she also has 
access to the high level so the software   um and then when i get a new like prospect she’ll 
then go and go high level so check on any new or   recent notifications she’ll reply to them through 
go high level so she’s doing everything from high   level to that yeah this question see she 
just lets me know um and in terms of like   the drip what i do is it goes through like it goes 
to gold high level and she puts them on a campaign   that will get sent in two days time so when 
they come in and it gets like there’s a new lead   she’ll obviously we’ve got the information 
and she just puts that into like a campaign   and go higher level and to disaster they will 
send them the automated messages that will go   out to all of the people that opted into like 
their free email templates or content platforms   whatever your free value is yeah so it’s like 
super effective and a lot of it’s automated so   it goes in and then the automated message will be 
sent out two days later and then if they respond sorry sorry go for it that’s okay no no no okay 
but if they if if they don’t respond obviously   like so if i send them out say hey how’s the new 
content um and they didn’t respond like two days   later it will also send them out another message 
saying hey i have this is this is jason right just   making sure i’ve got the right plan so it’s 
just like a little little follow-up little   nudge typically respond to yeah and they typically 
respond to the one after um and if they do respond   then from there my va picks up dude that’s legit 
man and then once you get them on the zoom call   um what you kind of went through what you 
were like offering right at the very beginning   what what it’s like kind of the package what 
does the offer look like what price point are   you pricing it at uh once you get on that zoom 
call so i’ve actually recently switched up to a   because i’ve been talking to a lot of other state 
agents and i realized a lot of them have one thing   in common and they’ve won referrals right yeah 
what my hair is now which is like working so well   like it’s working really well is hey you’ve 
got like the first ever referral text   automation it’s just something you want 
to try and they’re like referral textbooks   what is this so they um they’re like yeah of 
course they’re going in my price point is 197   what we’ll do is we’ll and i’m going to raise 
this price soon to like 397 initially and then 197   a month but i just wanted to like test it just to 
see how well it does yeah um so they’ll jump in   for 197 and what you’re doing is a database free 
activation for their list so you’re basically   giving them you’re getting their list and you’re 
putting it on like a campaign that i’ve got which   is working so well like it’s just a reactivation 
campaign uh that will be sent out to their list   which is all legal and compliant because 
it’s their list yeah um is that through text   or email that you’re doing that text no email 
i don’t even touch email it was just all text   and they see incredible results from it and then 
from that be like great now you’re seeing amazing   results using like just on your own network 
imagine what we could do if we switch on ads   increase your database and keep running that 
campaign to get you more referrals now i’m keeping   it like stupid before i was like complicating 
everything like are you going to get this this is   this you’re going to do that like two things we’re 
gonna get you more referrals and after we do that   we’re gonna switch on ads and build your database 
to keep getting you more referrals that is like   and it’s such a powerhouse because i see that and 
they’re like oh my god i’m getting more referrals   to seeing amazing results the campaign’s working 
and i tell them hey look i’ll set this up for you   i’ve already created the automations so all i do 
is i import well they give me their list i import   it and once i’ve imported it i literally just 
put it on the campaign make sure like everything   like the writing is okay like their name is 
automatically being populated so we test it   and then we just launch the campaign and it 
will send seven messages out seven message   messages out an hour um seven messages out an 
hour you said exactly you don’t get hit with spam   or whatever no no no no so that that’s the that’s 
the right message to be sending out which is seven   messages which i have not seen any problems with 
so far um so i sent seven messages out every hour   and it will send to their list of contacts and 
then once they do that they see like they get   a lot of responses and i tell them hey look all 
the responses you’re down it’s you down to self   manager if you want us to self manage it it’s 
more money um but if you want to self manage this   and deal with all the responses yourself 
then here’s how to do it you go on your   mobile app you on the go you reply and turn these 
conversations into into closing new opportunities   and they’re usually super happy with that and 
when they do go through their entire database   and they get like referrals and stuff you 
literally just say hey look we want to expand that   we want to give you we want to give you a bigger 
database and we could do that by running ads   and we show them we give them again two options i 
could either do it for them cost me more money or   you can go through the course which you already 
have going through how to set up facebook ads   and stuff and then they’ll do that they’ll set it 
up they’ll launch it they see great results they   fill their database like it’s super easy for them 
to do um and all of the setup was initially done   on the initial onboarding so uh downloading the 
mobile app all like the the stuff that might   overwhelm them it’s all done for them initially 
so they don’t have to worry about anything   the only thing i tell them to do is to watch 
their notifications this is your pipeline this   is how to check your new messages just have to 
move them from this section to this section that   is literally it like i try not to cut and then 
like every month or so i hit them with a new value   add like hey do you know that like um you can now 
automatically post on social media so you can say   yourself a boat load of time and now i’m usually 
super happy with like all of the additional stuff   i just like slowly give it to them rather than 
giving to them all that’s like one lump yeah dude   that’s genius man i like that and so um i i love 
i love the play where you’re like you’re starting   out organically with referrals and then it’s like 
you’re selling the bigger vision of like this is   why you run ads right instead of like starting 
with ads and they’re like i don’t know where it’s   like okay you’re getting them referrals getting 
that good those good warm contacts even and   then it’s like okay here’s the bigger vision now 
that was just like a little taste of what we can yeah a referral thing is never something i 
hear anyone talk about it’s always we’ll get   you more leads we’ll get you more leads we’ll do 
this we’ll do and they hear it all the time but   one thing they don’t hear is like it was two hooks 
actually the first one would have become a real   estate celebrity because they all love like social 
media and like branding to them is everything so   for them to be like famous in their areas and 
everything um and the second thing is referrals   like if they’re able to have a system to just get 
them referrals they’re not gonna say no to that   and that what makes it even better is hey you can 
get your referrals without spending money on that   and then once you get them in you they see the 
results and be like okay hey look we’ve done it   without spending money on us if you want to really 
put this on steroids you could just like dump some   money and add and you’ll see some incredible 
results i love it dude yeah one one of the most   overlooked hooks in the real estate space when it 
comes to marketing is that personal branding play   because everyone’s like focused on like i work 
for this guy like re max or keller williams or   whatever the company they work for where it’s 
like most agents over the course their career   will like be with one company jump to another jump 
to another one and they don’t understand but once   you like pitch it to them the idea of personal 
branding and like making you the local celebrity   and like blowing you up it doesn’t matter if 
you’re with keller williams remax 20 whatever   it is like you are the go-to person right so i 
love that you kind of uh are really starting to   attack that angle um well question though i i had 
for you so on the the database reactivation um   when you’re when you’re going through you’re 
uploading your clients contacts their database   what what does that first text look like what are 
you saying and then if the person doesn’t respond   do you keep dripping on that person or you 
just kind of leave it as is because i could   see like you know if there’s a real if if i 
was a real estate agent you know i’d want to   get like the referrals but i also probably want 
to be like annoying my my friends and family if   they’re in my database right so just curious 
to know how how you’ve got that set up there   of course um let me just put that up on my phone 
a little bit just to show you exactly what it says   okay are you ready to go for the 
initial message is great stuff oh no no hey um hey amber or name it’s carlos from whatever 
your brokerage name is i hope you’re having a   blessed day do you know anyone looking for some 
real estate and free real estate advice i know   times are hard just to help out we received 
some new market updates that i’d love to share   no pressure either way and then this is right 
underneath that sent from iphone just so it   looks like it’s personal um okay yeah as 
you were saying from for the follow-up   um obviously you don’t wanna annoy them so all you 
do if they don’t follow up in like two days is say   by the way this is amber right just to make sure 
i’ve got the right person forgot to mention but   i’m also happy to gather together to put together 
a list of custom off market homes reply stop if   not sent from my iphone and it’s like very simple 
and i’ve been like seeing like i’ll tell you what i’ll share my yeah you should have access i think   i will just share this game tell me if you 
can see the screen can you see the screen   yep got it man this is one of my clients 
accounts right just one of the accounts   send them a message like say hi gary hayes and 
sweetheart realty i’ll be having a blessed day you see some market updates i’d love to share 
no pressure and i’m always changing this uh for   once i’m working you can see like the amount of 
messages that they are like getting like yes i’m   free uh 11am thank you really appreciate like 
your positive feedback is insane um and it goes   just on and on um and obviously like from there 
they self-manage so i only send them two messages   i said the one message uh and i’ve recently i’m 
editing this as well to make it even shorter um   but i will send them two messages one message just 
asking for free ready to say advice to the list   and it’s a great thing as well because times are 
hard um everyone’s going through a hard time so   it really does look like you care for your clients 
so when they send it out to their list regardless   of whether whoever it may be it’s a message that 
is working at the moment um and you’re not being   too pushy or too selfish you’re just asking them 
if they want any of your advice unless they don’t   reply this is the only message they get sent out 
and then that’s it they won’t message anymore   and the best thing is is they could filter through 
their lists so say they’ve got a list of just like   so many people they don’t know who 
the good ones are from the bad ones   this way they could actually filter through they 
could dnd all like the messages that are like   the people that are responding badly the 
people that are like not in the area not in   the neighborhood have moved away whatever 
it might be they could filter their list   to the ones that are interested and only the 
ones that are interested so they have a list   of new solid contacts that are active which is 
essentially what they want at the end of the day   everyone probably watching this or even listening 
has got to be slammed with massive value on this   because this is a really cool technique and a 
little bit different angle than a lot of what the   real estate marketing agencies are doing right 
now so appreciate you sharing that man uh that’s   not a problem at all like i went through like 
it’s so hard to try and find like a hook and   an angle that work especially if you don’t 
really know the niche uh which is why like   after knuckling down and focusing on one niche 
um because before i was like all over the place denominator here is me like the problem like the 
reason why i can’t find clients and i’m really   struggling with like switching every few seconds 
yeah and so like you’re gonna go through a phase   where like everything is like really exciting 
everything’s really good um and then you’re gonna   find out that it’s hard over here and you could 
either switch niche which is what i was doing for   the longest time or just like push past that tiny 
little thing uh tiny little step and then you will   see success it’s literally all like i said it none 
of it is actually hard it’s just tedious as long   as you could get through those little tedious 
tasks on a day-to-day basis and be consistent   like this i don’t see that any of any reason why 
you shouldn’t get results love it man well man i   i know it’s super late there so i don’t want 
to keep you up any later than uh i’ve already   kept you up so i appreciate you jumping on here 
thanks for taking the time thanks for sharing the   massive value man and keep crushing it pleasure 
to be here thank you mom i appreciate it we’re uh   if somebody wants to go through connect with 
you do you do you have any place that you uh   you’re kind of marking brand yourself or are 
you saying like don’t reach out to me right now   oh no of course you can reach out to me i’m 
i’m like if you’ve reached me on facebook   i’m probably most responsive on there um instagram 
will get like quite a lot of spam like people like   messaging me like hey we could grow 
this we can check that like ignore all right man hey we’ll appreciate it again 
thanks so much man for taking the time thank you

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