8 Simple Digital Marketing Tips For Your Marketing Strategy

Did you know that nearly all small businesses (95%) stated that they were going to increase their spending on digital marketing in 2019?

Digital marketing can provide high returns on investments and can help businesses of all sizes to communicate with their audience and promote their brands.

If you want to improve your marketing strategy, then you need to keep reading to learn more about these 8 simple digital marketing tips that you can implement right now. 

8 Online Marketing Tips

Digital marketing for small businesses can take time to perfect. The process of setting up social media channels and running PPC campaigns can be full of ups and downs. The main thing is that you remain patient and that you learn from your mistakes. 

There’s an abundance of marketing tips available online and in books, however, the digital world is forever changing, so make sure you keep up-to-date with the latest news and tips. 

1. Social Media: Less is More

The number one digital marketing tip that you’ll learn is that when it comes to social media, less is more. To begin with, it can be very tempting for new business owners to delve into all the different platforms and channels. After all, you want to reach as many people as possible. 

However, this might not be the best way to spend your time. You need to focus on your efforts on a few social media platforms and be consistent. Being consistent on social media can help you grow a loyal following. You also need to think about blogging regularly as this can help to build trust in your customers. 

The takeaway lesson for small business digital marketing is to focus your energy on a few channels, maybe Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and then see where it takes you. You might find that some platforms don’t work for your business and that more of your audience is using LinkedIn instead of Instagram. 

2. Be Consistent With Your Branding

Digital marketing is very similar to traditional marketing in that customers over time to become familiar with a business because of their branding. So make sure that whatever you are doing online that you are using the same fonts, colors, logo, and photos. 

Being consistent with your branding will help your customers remember who you are and thus be more likely to use your services or products again. 

3. Optimize Your Website

A large percentage of people who look at your website will do so on their mobile phones. So it is vital that your website is optimized for mobile phone usage. Google penalizes websites if they aren’t easy to view on mobile or tablets, so it is essential for the sake of your ranking that you optimize your website.

4. Do Your Research

Don’t just assume, no matter how long you’ve been doing digital marketing, that you know what is best. Always do your research when it comes to ads and other campaigns. Your customers might react in a completely different way to how you think they will. 

Use your research and reports of your digital marketing efforts to determine your marketing strategy. And don’t be afraid to try new things. For example, if your research suggests your current email layout isn’t working, then try adjusting it to make it more appealing for your customers.

5. Rely on Email Marketing

Despite social media taking the forefront when it comes to digital marketing, don’t forget about the other tools at your disposal. Many people mistreat or abuse their email marketing strategies, however, it can be a very effective way to sell your products or services. 

The best part about email marketing is that you have your contact list and the people who subscribe to your emails actually want to know what is going on. So start sending more emails and see if you can get more paying customers.

6. Social Media: 80-20

Getting social media right is all about balancing your content. You can’t always post about your business and services, as your followers will get bored of this and un-follow you. Try to post 80% of your social media content as things that are related to your business, but not directly promoting it. And the other 20% can be promoting your business. 

Remember to mix up your content too, try posting different types of content, such as blogs, photos, videos, infographics, webinars, and even GIFs. Think about who your audience is and what they want to see, then decide on the type of content that works best for them. 

7. Use Automated Messages

You can use automated messages on your social media channels and on your emails. These messages can be set up by you and can often let the person know that you’ve received their message or that you thank them for joining your mailing list.

These little personal touches are very important for your customers and will help them feel more valued. Make sure you personalize them, by including their name or details in your messages. You should also make your automated messages on tone with your brand, so if your business is a little more quirky, then a generic thank you message just won’t suit.

8. Implement SEO

Your website and your blogs should all use SEO. Search Engine Optimization can help you rank higher in the search engines and thus can help your customers find you easier. 

Find your keywords using SEO tools and ensure you include them in your copy, as this will help with your long term SEO strategy. 

Looking for more useful tips about digital marketing? Then have a read of how to dominate your industry with digital marketing. 

Follow Our Digital Marketing Tips

Use our digital marketing tips to develop your marketing strategy and see how your business can improve. Some of our tips can be implemented straight away and you can track their results to see how well they perform. Whilst others might take some time to implement, but once they do, we’re sure that they’ll pay off for your business. 

Don’t forget to check out some of our other marketing tips and tricks and see if you can improve your business today.